This is a compilation of reviews we get from our patients, customers, clients andassociates. This is gathered from other social media we have like Yelp, Square, twitter, emails etc…. We also have reviews here on our facebook page pls do take time to read them as well.
We love our profession and what we do. Our workplace is like our second home and our patients, customers, clients, associates & even our co-workers are our second and extended family. We take good care of our clients the way we take care of ourselves and our family and friends. We take pride in what we do and in
carrying our company name.
Everyday we come to work ready to help people. We create an atmosphere in our clinic that is warm, friendly and conducive for healing and our patients/clients feel that and we are happy to see them happy.
We are proud that we have a dynamic team of therapists and staff that help each other and that brings out the best on each and every single one of us.
We have a WIDE array of services that our clients can benefit from and we are proud to have them all in our facility:
- Outpatient PT clinic
- Home Health Therapy
- Biofeedback Treatment
- Deep Tissue Laser Therapy by Litecure
- Professional Massage Services by State Licensed masseur
- Kinesiotaping
- Compression Recovery System by Normatec
- Athlete’s Recovery Lounge